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LPIC-1: Junior Level Linux Professional

Prüfung 101

Thema 101: Systemarchitektur

Lernziel 101.1: Hardware-Einstellungen ermitteln und konfigurieren

Lernziel 101.2: Das System starten

Lernziel 101.3: Runlevel wechseln und das System anhalten oder neu starten

Thema 102: Linux-Installation und -Paketverwaltung

Lernziel 102.1: Festplattenaufteilung planen

Lernziel 102.2: Einen Boot-Manager installieren

Lernziel 102.3: Shared Libraries verwalten

Lernziel 102.4: Debian-Paketverwaltung verwenden

Lernziel 102.5: RPM- und YUM-Paketverwaltung verwenden

Thema 103: GNU- und Unix-Kommandos

Lernziel 103.1: Auf der Kommandozeile arbeiten

Lernziel 103.2: Textströme mit Filtern verarbeiten

Lernziel 103.3: Grundlegende Dateiverwaltung

Lernziel 103.4: Ströme, Pipes und Umleitungen verwenden

Lernziel 103.5: Prozesse erzeugen, überwachen und beenden

Lernziel 103.6: Prozess-Ausführungsprioritäten ändern

Lernziel 103.7: Textdateien mit regulären Ausdrücken durchsuchen

Lernziel 103.8: Grundlegendes Editieren von Dateien mit dem vi

Thema 104: Geräte, Linux-Dateisysteme, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

Lernziel 104.1: Partitionen und Dateisysteme anlegen

Lernziel 104.2: Die Integrität von Dateisystemen sichern

Lernziel 104.3: Das Ein- und Aushängen von Dateisystemen steuern

Lernziel 104.4: Platten-Quotas verwalten

Lernziel 104.5: Dateizugriffsrechte und -eigentümerschaft verwalten

Lernziel 104.6: Harte und symbolische Links anlegen und ändern

Lernziel 104.7: Systemdateien finden und Dateien am richtigen Ort platzieren

Prüfung 102

Thema 105: Shells, Skripte und Datenverwaltung

Lernziel 105.1: Die Shell-Umgebung anpassen und verwenden

Lernziel 105.2: Einfache Skripte anpassen oder schreiben

Lernziel 105.3: SQL-Datenverwaltung

Thema 106: Oberflächen und Desktops

Lernziel 106.1: X11 installieren und konfigurieren

Lernziel 106.2: Einen Display-Manager einrichten

Lernziel 106.3: Hilfen für Behinderte

Thema 107: Administrative Aufgaben

Lernziel 107.1: Benutzer- und Gruppenkonten und dazugehörige Systemdateien verwalten

Lernziel 107.2: Systemadministrationsaufgaben durch Einplanen von Jobs automatisieren

Lernziel 107.3: Lokalisierung und Internationalisierung

Thema 108: Grundlegende Systemdienste

Lernziel 108.1: Die Systemzeit verwalten

Lernziel 108.2: Systemprotokollierung

Lernziel 108.3: Grundlagen von Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs)

Lernziel 108.4: Drucker und Druckvorgänge verwalten

Thema 109: Netz-Grundlagen

Lernziel 109.1: Grundlagen von Internet-Protokollen

Lernziel 109.2: Grundlegende Netz-Konfiguration

Lernziel 109.3: Grundlegende Netz-Fehlersuche

Lernziel 109.4: Clientseitiges DNS konfigurieren

Thema 110: Sicherheit

Lernziel 110.1: Administrationsaufgaben für Sicherheit durchführen

Lernziel 110.2: Einen Rechner absichern

Lernziel 110.3: Daten durch Verschlüsselung schützen

LPIC-2: Advanced Level Linux Professional

Prüfung 201

Thema 201: Der Linux Kernel

Lernziel 201.1: Kernel Komponenten

Lernziel 201.2: Kernel kompilieren

Lernziel 201.3: Kernel patchen

Lernziel 201.4: Kernel Anpassen, kompilieren, installieren inklusive Kernel Module

Lernziel 201.5: Kernel und Kernel Module zur Laufzeit verwalten und abfragen

Thema 202: Der Systemstart

Lernziel 202.1: Anpassen des Systemstarts und der Bootprozesse

Lernziel 202.2: Systemwiederherstellung

Thema 203: Dateisysteme und Geräte

Lernziel 203.1: Arbeiten mit dem Linux Dateisystem

Lernziel 203.2: Pflege des Linux Dateisystems

Lernziel 203.3: Anlegen und Konfigurieren des Linux Dateisystems

Lernziel 203.4: Verwalten von Devices mit udev

Thema 204: Administration von Storage Devices

Lernziel 204.1: RAID Konfiguration

Lernziel 204.2: Storage Device Konfiguration

Lernziel 204.3: LVM Logical Volume Manager

Thema 205: Netzkonfiguration

Lernziel 205.1: Grundlagen der Netzwerkkonfiguration

Lernziel 205.2: Fortgeschrittene Konfiguration und Fehlersuche

Lernziel 205.3: Kernpunkte der Fehlerbehebung in Netzwerken

Lernziel 205.4: Benutzer benachrichtigen

Thema 206: Systemverwaltung/-wartung

Lernziel 206.1: Programme aus dem Quellcode übersetzen und installieren

Lernziel 206.2: Datensicherung

Thema 207: DNS (bind)

Lernziel 207.1: Grundlagen DNS-Server Konfiguration

Lernziel 207.2: Erstellen und Pflege von DNS Zones

Lernziel 207.3: Absicherung eines DNS Servers

Prüfung 202

Thema 208: Webdienste

Lernziel 208.1: Implementierung eines Webservers

Lernziel 208.2: Pflege eines Webservers

Lernziel 208.3: Implementierung eines Proxy Servers

Thema 209: Freigabe von Dateien

Lernziel 209.1: Konfiguration eines Samba Servers

Lernziel 209.2: Konfiguration eines NFS Servers

Thema 210: Verwalten von Netzwerkclients

Lernziel 210.1: DHCP Konfiguration

Lernziel 210.2: PAM Authentifizierung

Lernziel 210.3: LDAP-Client Konfiguration

Thema 211: Email

Lernziel 211.1: eMail Server

Lernziel 211.2: Konfiguration der lokalen Mailzustellung

Lernziel 211.3: Mails an entfernte Clients ausliefern

Thema 212: Systemsicherheit

Lernziel 212.1: Router Konfiguration

Lernziel 212.2: Absichern von FTP Servern

Lernziel 212.3: SSH Secure Shell

Lernziel 212.4: TCP Wrapper

Lernziel 212.5: Sicherheitsmaßnahmen

Thema 213: Systemprobleme beheben

Lernziel 213.1: Identifizieren des Boot Stadiums und Problembehebung bei Bootloadern

Lernziel 213.2: Allgemeine Fehlerbehandlung

Lernziel 213.3: Problemanalyse von Systemressourcen

Lernziel 213.4: Fehleranalyse von Umgebungseinstellungen

LPIC-3: Senior Level Linux Professional

Die dritte Zertifizierungsstufe ist im Gegensatz zu den anderen Stufen in eine Basis-Prüfung LPI-301 sowie fünf Spezialisierungsprüfungen LPI-302 - LPI-306 aufgeteilt.

Prüfung 301 CORE

Die Prüfung LPI-301 beschäftigt sich mit dem Verzeichnisdienst LDAP, Authentisierung, Fehlersuche, Netzwerkintegration und Kapazitätsplanung. Indem man diese Prüfung besteht, erwirbt man das LPIC-3-Zertifikat. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen LPI-Prüfungen umfasst die Prüfung LPI-301 nur 50 Fragen statt 60; die Dauer ist trotzdem 90 Minuten.

Topic 301: Concepts, Architecture and Design

301.1 LDAP Concepts and Architecture (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should be familiar with LDAP and X.500 concepts

301.2 Directory Design (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to design an implement an LDAP directory, while planning an appropriate Directory Information Tree to avoid redundancy. Candidates should have an understanding of the types of data which are appropriate for storage in an LDAP directory

301.3 Schemas (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should be familiar with schema concepts, and the base schema files included with an OpenLDAP installation

Topic 302: Installation and Development

302.1 Compiling and Installing OpenLDAP (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should be able to compile and install OpenLDAP from source and from packages

302.2 Developing for LDAP with Perl/C++ (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to write basic Perl scripts to interact with an LDAP directory

Topic 303: Configuration

303.2 Access Control Lists in LDAP (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to plan and implement access control lists

303.3 LDAP Replication (weight: 5)

Description: Candidates should be familiar with the various replication strategies available with OpenLDAP

303.4 Securing the Directory (weight: 4)

Description: Candidates should be able to configure encrypted access to the LDAP directory, and restrict access at the firewall level

303.5 LDAP Server Performance Tuning (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be capable of measuring the performance of an LDAP server, and tuning configuration directives

303.6 OpenLDAP Daemon Configuration (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should have knowledge of the common slapd.conf configuration directives, and be familiar with the basic slapd command line options

Topic 304: Usage

304.1 Searching the Directory (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to use advanced options for searching the LDAP directory

304.2 LDAP Command Line Tools (weight: 4)

Description: Candidates should be familiar with the OpenLDAP command line tools

304.3 Whitepages (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to build and maintain a whitepages service

Topic 305: Integration and Migration

305.1 LDAP Integration with PAM and NSS (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to confiure PAM and NSS to retrieve information from an LDAP directory

305.2 NIS to LDAP Migration (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to plan and implement a NIS migration strategy, including a NIS to LDAP gateway

305.3 Integrating LDAP with Unix Services (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to integrate LDAP authentication with a number of common Unix services

305.4 Integrating LDAP with Samba (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to integrate LDAP with Samba services

305.5 Integrating LDAP with Active Directory (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to integrate LDAP with Active Directory Services

305.6 Integrating LDAP with Email Services (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to integrate LDAP with email services

Topic 306: Capacity Planning

306.1 Measure Resource Usage (weight: 4)

Description: Candidates should be able to measure hardware resources and network bandwidth usage

306.2 Troubleshoot Resource Problems (weight: 4)

Description: Candidates should be able to identify and troubleshoot resource problems

306.3 Analyze Demand (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to analyze capacity demands

306.4 Predict Future Resource Needs (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to monitor resource usage to predict future resource needs

Prüfung 302 Mixed Environments

Die Prüfung LPI-302 befasst sich vor allem mit Samba und der Integration von Linux- und Windows-Systemen. Zusätzlich zum LPIC-3-Zertifikat (aus der Prüfung LPI-301) führt das Bestehen dieser Prüfung zur Spezialisierung „LPI-302: Mixed Environments“.

Topic 310: Concepts, Architecture and Design

310.1 Concepts (weight: 1)

Description:Candidates should be familiar with the fundamental concepts surrounding SMB/CIFS, file sharing and print services in a mixed environment

310.2 Samba Roles (weight: 1)

Description:Candidates should be aware of Samba's security modes, and the keys roles of the Samba daemons

310.3 Trivial Database Files (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should understand the structure of trivial database files and know how to troubleshoot problems

Topic 311: Compile and Install Samba

311.1 Configure and Build From Source (weight: 1)

Description:Candidates should be able to compile Samba from source and resolve dependencies

311.2 Install and Upgrade Samba (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to install and upgrade Samba from source and from packages

Topic 312: Samba Configuration and Usage

312.1 Configure Samba (weight: 6)

Description: Candidates should be able to configure the Samba daemons for a wide variety of purposes

312.2 File Services (weight: 4)

Description: Candidates should be able to create and configure file shares in a mixed environment

312.3 Print Services (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to create and manage print shares in a mixed environment

312.4 Domain Control (weight: 4)

Description: Candidates should be able to setup and maintain primary and backup domain controllers, and manage Windows/Linux clients' access to the domain

312.5 SWAT Configuration (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to install and configure the Samba web administration tool, and be comfortable with configuring changes to Samba within it

312.6 Internationalization (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to work with internationalization character codes and code pages

Topic 313: User and Group Management

313.1 Managing User Accounts and Groups (weight: 4)

Description: Candidates should be able to manage user and group accounts in a mixed environment

313.2 Authentication and Authorization (weight: 8)

Description: Candidates should understand the various authentication mechanisms and configure access control

313.3 Winbind (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to install and configure the Winbind service

Topic 314: Working with CIFS, NetBIOS, and Active Directory

314.1 CIFS Integration (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should be comfortable working with CIFS in a mixed environment

314.2 NetBIOS and WINS (weight: 7)

Description: Candidates should be familiar with NetBIOS/WINS concepts and understand network browsing

314.3 Integrating with Active Directory (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to integrate Linux servers into an environment where Active Directory is present

314.4 Working with Windows Clients (weight: 4)

Description: Clients should be able to interact with remote Windows clients, and configure Windows workstations to access file and print services from Linux servers

Topic 315: Security and Performance

315.1 Linux File System and Share/Service Permissions (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should understand file permissions on a Linux file system in a mixed environment

315.2 Samba Security (weight: 2)

Description: Candidates should be able to secure Samba at both the firewall level, and the Samba daemons themselves

315.3 Performance Tuning (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should be able to cluster services for load balancing and high availability purposes, and tune Samba settings for better server and network performance

Prüfung 303 Security

Die Prüfung LPI-303 umfasst die Themen Kryptografie, Zugriffskontrolle (ACLs, SELinux, andere MAC-Systeme), Anwendungssicherheit (DNS, Apache, FTP, OpenSSH, ...), Betriebs- und Netzwerksicherheit. Zusätzlich zum LPIC-3-Zertifikat (aus der Prüfung LPI-301) führt das Bestehen dieser Prüfung zur „LPI-303: Security“.

Topic 320: Cryptography

320.1 OpenSSL (weight: 4)

Description: Candidates should know how to configure and use OpenSSL. This includes creating your own Certificate Authority and issues SSL certificates for various applications.

320.2 Advanced GPG (weight: 4)

Description Candidates should know how to use GPG. This includes key generation, signing and publishing to keyservers. Managing multiple private key and IDs is also included.

320.3 Encrypted Filesystems (weight: 3)

Description Candidates should be able to setup and configure encrypted filesystems.

Topic 321: Access Control

321.1 Host Based Access Control (weight: 2)

Description Candidates should be familiar with basic host based access control such as nsswitch configuration, PAM and password cracking.

321.2 Extended Attributes and ACLs (weight: 5)

Description Candidates are required to understand and know how to use Extended Attributes and Access Control Lists.

321.3 SELinux (weight: 6)

Description Candidates should have a thorough knowledge of SELinux.

321.4 Other Mandatory Access Control Systems (weight: 2)

Description Candidates should be familiar with other Mandatory Access Control systems for Linux. This includes major features of these systems but not configuration and use.

Topic 322: Application Security

322.1 BIND/DNS (weight: 2)

Description Candidates should have experience and knowledge of security issues in use and configuration of BIND DNS services.

322.2 Mail Services (weight: 2)

Description Candidates should have experience and knowledge of security issues in use and configuration of Postfix mail services. Awareness of security issues in Sendmail is also required but not configuration.

322.3 Apache/HTTP/HTTPS (weight: 2)

Description Candidates should have experience and knowledge of security issues in use and configuration of Apache web services.

322.4 FTP (weight: 1)

Description Candidates should have experience and knowledge of security issues in use and configuration of Pure-FTPd and vsftpd FTP services.

322.5 OpenSSH (weight: 3)

Description Candidates should have experience and knowledge of security issues in use and configuration of OpenSSH SSH services.

322.6 NFSv4 (weight: 1)

Description Candidates should have experience and knowledge of security issues in use and configuration of NFSv4 NFS services. Earlier versions of NFS are not required knowledge.

322.7 Syslog (weight: 1)

Description Candidates should have experience and knowledge of security issues in use and configuration of syslog services.

Topic 323: Operations Security

323.1 Host Configuration Management (weight: 2)

Description Candidates should be familiar with the use of RCS and Puppet for host configuration management.

Topic 324: Network Security

324.1 Intrusion Detection (weight: 4)

Description Candidates should be familiar with the use and configuration of intrusion detection software.

324.2 Network Security Scanning (weight: 5)

Description Candidates should be familiar with the use and configuration of network security scanning tools.

324.3 Network Monitoring (weight: 3)

Description Candidates should be familiar with the use and configuration of network monitoring tools.

324.4 netfilter/iptables (weight: 5)

Description Candidates should be familiar with the use and configuration of iptables.

324.5 OpenVPN (weight: 3)

Description Candidates should be familiar with the use of OpenVPN.

Prüfung 304 Hochverfügbarkeit und Virtualisierung

Die Prüfung LPI-304 adressiert die Themen Virtualisierung (Xen, KVM und andere), Lastverteilung und redundanter Speicher, Clusterverwaltung und Nachrichteninfrastrukturen für Hochverfügbarkeit. Zusätzlich zum LPIC-3-Zertifikat (aus der Prüfung LPI-301) führt das Bestehen dieser Prüfung zur Spezialisierung „LPI-304: Hochverfügbarkeit und Virtualisierung“.

Topic 330: Virtualization

330.1 Virtualization Concepts and Theory (weight: 10)

Description: Candidates should know and understand the general concepts, theory and terminology of Virtualization. This includes Xen and KVM terminology.

330.2 Xen (weight: 10)

Description: Candidates should be able to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot Xen installations.

330.3 KVM (weight: 7)

Description: Candidates should be able to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot KVM installations.

330.4 Other Virtualization Solutions (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should have some basic knowledge and experience with alternatives to Xen and KVM.

Topic 331: Load Balancing

331.1 Linux Virtual Server (weight: 5)

Description: Candidates should know how to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot LVS. This includes the configuration and use of keepalived.

331.2 HAProxy (weight: 3)

Description: Exam candidates should be able to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot HAProxy.

331.3 LinuxPMI (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should understand the concepts of LinuxPMI. Basic experience in the installation of LinuxPMI is also expected.

Topic 332: Cluster Management

332.1 Pacemaker (weight: 5)

Description: Candidates should have experience in the installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting of the Pacemaker cluster management set of technologies. This includes the use of heartbeat version 2.

332.2 Advanced Pacemaker (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should have experience in advanced features of the Pacemaker cluster management set of technologies. This includes the use of OpenAIS and corosync.

332.3 Red Hat Cluster Suite (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should have experience in the installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting of the Red Hat Cluster Suite cluster management set of technologies.

332.4 Advanced Red Hat Cluster Suite (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should have experience in advanced features of the Red Hat Cluster Suite cluster management set of technologies. This includes the use and integration with LVS and GFS.

Topic 333: Cluster Storage

333.1 DRBD (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates are expected to have the experience and knowledge to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot DRBD devices. This includes integration with Pacemaker and heartbeat.

333.2 Global File System and OCFS2 (weight: 3)

Description: Candidates should know how to install, maintain and troubleshoot installations using GFS and OCFS2.

333.3 Other Clustered File Systems (weight: 1)

Description: Candidates should have an awareness of other clustered filesystems available in a Linux environment.

Prüfung 305 Mail und Messaging

Diese Prüfung befindet sich in Vorbereitung.

Mit der Arbeit an LPI-305 wurde 2010 begonnen.

Prüfung 306 Web und Intranet

Diese Prüfung befindet sich in Planung

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