
aus PUG, der Penguin User Group
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Zarafa ist eine Groupwarelösung, die dem User ein Look&Feel wie Microsoft Outlook über Web gibt. Besonders interessant ist allerdings die Active-Sync Funktion für Mobilgeräte. Die ganzen Details zu diesem Tool sind unter zu finden.


Als SMTP Server bietet sich natürlich Postfix an.


 my.domain     lmtp:


 my.domain     lmtp:

In der kommen zu der Grundconfig diese Zeilen dazu:

 virtual_transport = lmtp:localhost:2003
 zarafa_destination_recipient_limit = 1


In der dagent.cfg muss LMTP aktiviert sein:

#  start dagent with -d to create an lmtp daemon of the zarafa-dagent

# binding address for LMTP daemon
# change to if you require connections over the network
server_bind =

# LMTP port to listen on for LMTP connections
lmtp_port = 2003

# Maximum LMTP threads that ca be running simultaneously
# This is also limited by your SMTP server. (20 is the postfix default concurrency limit)
lmtp_max_threads = 20

# Process model for LMTP daemon, using pthreads (thread) or processes (fork)
process_model = fork

# run as specific user in LMTP mode.
#   make sure this user is listed in local_admin_users in your zarafa server config
#   or use SSL connections with certificates to login
run_as_user =

# run as specific group in LMTP mode.
run_as_group =

# control pid file
pid_file = /var/run/

# The following e-mail header will mark the mail as spam, so the mail
# is placed in the Junk Mail folder, and not the Inbox.
# The name is case insensitive.
# set to empty to not use this detection scheme.
spam_header_name = X-Spam-Status

# If the above header is found, and contains the following value
# the mail will be considered as spam.
# Notes: 
#  - The value is case insensitive.
#  - Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.
#  - The word 'bayes' also contains the word 'yes'.
spam_header_value = Yes,

Nach Restart muss lsof -i -P -n | grep 2003 das hier liefern:

 zarafa-da  2398     root    3u  IPv4    7311      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)

Dann sollte Postfix nun seine Mails bei Zarafa abliefern.
